Apply These 15 super fruits for health

super fruits

Super fruits are fruits that are full of vitamins, fiber, called phytonutrients. These are such fruits, if you consume them, you will get more benefits than before.

It is not at all different from normal fruit, you can eat it every day, if you eat it properly then you will definitely benefit.

These fruits are classified as super fruits as they are more useful in the prevention of diseases than normal fruits, they contain more vitamins and antioxidants than ordinary fruits.

Benefits of super fruits

Although it has many benefits, some benefits are the same in all fruits, most fruits have different vitamins and in some things they are also different.

So now I am going to tell you some such benefits, due to which super fruits is very famous and due to which they are used so much.

  • It is most commonly used in weight loss
  • It is also used in fighting diseases
  • They are considered to be the best for meeting vitamin deficiency
  • There is no harm to the body by using them

These are some of the benefits that are found in super fruits however there are many other benefits that I am going to tell you further.

List of Useful super fruits

So now I am going to tell you their list. All the names mentioned in the list are important. If one is at number one it does not mean that it is better than the others, all the names mentioned are very useful in their place.

1. Avocados

Lsuper fruits

Yes technically this is a vegetarian sushi, which fruit lovers know is that avocados are a great addition to your diet, although there is a fat or fruit there, but about three quarters of an avocado's calories come from mono-unsaturated fat.

Helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and they maintain balance in the body. It has anti-inflammatory properties and heart disease can reverse insulin resistance and contains folate for unborn children.

2. Kiwi

super fruits

Kiwi is a fruit that contains more vitamin C than oranges. It is a fuzzy brown fruit with a green flash between the kiwis. Its many health benefits.

Vitamin C is very good for one's health and helps in respiratory problems. Your digestive system will be healthy. It is also very good for your hair.

3. Pomegranate

Pomegranate contains a lot of magnesium potassium and vitamin A. It helps you to hold the palm. This makes your body immune booster which signifies a long and healthy life, pomegranate is popular globally as super fruits.

It is the easiest fruit to eat. But it is not only a fruit full of antioxidant fiber potassium and vitamins C and V juice, and this super food also helps protect against bad cholesterol and cancer.

4. Mango

Super fruits

Mango has a high amount of antioxidants. It is a very popular super fruits, it also contains gallic acid, and algic acid, along with carotenoids, lutein and beta carotene, due to which mango gets its yellow color.

It is very good for people with constipation, if mango is used daily, it can cure constipation and it is also helpful in reducing inflammation of the intestine.

5. Dragon fruit

Super fruits

This fruit is very special, it is also known as cactus fruit and dragon fruit. This fruit contains carbohydrates proteins and fats as well as iron calcium phosphorus vitamins B and C.

As this fruit is high in fiber and so you can curb your hunger for a long time. This fruit has good amount of water and fiber, it keeps your body hydrated and does not allow constipation problems.

6. Papaya

Papaya is considered to be quite a popular super fruits. If you also eat 100 grams of papaya, you will get 32 ​​calories, it is used more in weight loss, it contains fiber which helps in lowering cholesterol.

It is also beneficial for the heart. It contains lycopene and vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant. It also contains beta-carotene which is very good for the eye.

7. Raspberry

Super fruits

Raspberry is a perennial fruit. It contains anti-oxidants like polyphenolic which are good for health. This fruit contains dietary fiber and manganese which helps in weight loss, it contains vitamin C anti-oxidant to remove facial wrinkles helps.

8. Orange

This super fruits has the highest vitamin C. Orange has very low calorie content. Orange peel contains fiber which is beneficial for the face.

It is a good source of Vitamin A. It does not contain sodium. So it is very helpful in blood pressure.

9. Bananas

Super fruits

Bananas have the highest amount of potassium and fiber along with minerals and magnesium. Bananas are the best source of vitamin B6 and vitamin C and iron.

It also helps in digestion. If you consume it on an empty stomach in the morning then it also helps in weight loss.

10. Apples

Super fruits

It is also a popular super fruits. Apples contain carbohydrates and protein and moisturizer as well as fiber and are a good source of vitamin C.

It contains natural antioxidants which protect us from infection, it contains iron which helps to increase blood. It also contains pectin which corrects stomach upset.

11. Grapes

Apply These 15 super fruits for health

Grapes contain glucose and magnesium, which are useful in curing diarrhea and blood disorders. It also cures anemia. It also contains Vitamin A.

This super fruits also helps to increase memory. If there is a blister in the mouth, rinse with grape juice is cured.

12. Watermelon

Watermelon contains 90 to 95% water content, it also contains electrolyte which is very good for our digestive system, it prevents dehydration.

it contains very few calories and high lycopene. Which protects our skin. It contains potassium magnesium and amino acids which helps in blood flow.

13. Beetroot

Super fruits

Its medical name is Beta vulgaris. It is helpful in weight loss. This super fruits can also be eaten as a salad. It contains low carbohydrate and high iron content.

which is helpful in anemia. It contains Vitamin C which is helpful in increasing hemoglobin, it is considered good for brain health.

14. Pineapple

Its medical name is Ananas Comosus. It contains calories, carbohydrates and fiber. It is very low in fat, it contains iron, vitamin C and sodium potassium.

Which replenish the nutrients in our body. It contains flavonoids and phenolic acids. Which act as antioxidants in our body.

15. Lemon

Super fruits

This super fruits has the highest amount of Vitamin C. It also contains iron calcium and magnesium. It is best for weight loss. Drinking lemonade helps in weight loss.

It contains anti oxidant which helps in increasing immunity. It is very good for the heart. Lemon is very helpful in correcting skin problems.


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